Live Webcam for YouTube
Online Webcam Snapshot   Live Webcam for YouTube   Live Webcam for YouTube (Flash)
Real-time live webcam stream for YouTube Live, and Free RTMP Publisher/Encoder for the browser (HTML based).
You can broadcast your webcam live with YouTube on the browser directly.
When the webcam live is complete, the video is automatically saved to YouTube my videos. This is an additional feature that records webcam video and uploads it to YouTube.
Flash Player is not required. This RTMP encoder is only supported on latest browsers. free OO minutes per a day
*How to use this app
1. Go to the (YouTube Live Dashboard)
2. Create your live channel
3. Copy "Server URL" and "Stream name/key" on Encoder Setup, and Paste to the input box below
4. Click "Connect Server" and "Start Publish"
 Video Width  Height  Frame Rate  Audio Bitrate
YouTube LIve Server URL

ex) rtmp://
Stream name/key
ex) abcd-efgh-ijkl-mnop
-> ->
ⓒ 2025, Live Webcam for YouTube